Kuwait, officially the State of Kuwait, is a country in Western Asia. It is situated in the northern edge of Eastern Arabia at the tip of the Persian Gulf. Expatriats are a big part of the Kuwaiti demographics, making up around 70% of the population. Kuwait is also known for having the highest valued currency in the world.
Capital |
Kuwait City |
Population |
4.271 million |
Area (km²) |
17.820 |
Major languages |
Arabic, English |
Currency |
Kuwaiti Dinar (KWD) |
GDP (billion USD) |
106.0 |
Real GDP Growth (%) |
-8.7 |
Total Export to Belgium (thousand EUR) |
58.722 |
Total Import from Belgium (thousand EUR) |
226.412 |
Total Export to Luxembourg (thousand EUR) |
6 |
Total Import from Luxembourg (thousand EUR) |
3931 |
More indicators: World Bank

Exports from Kuwait to Belgium

Exports from Belgium to Kuwait

Kuwait Chamber of Commerce & Industry
Contact person : Rabah Abdulrehman AL-RABAH (Director General)
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Telephone: +965 18 05 580 Ext.#555
Website: https://www.ekcci.org.kw/newweb/#
Address : Commercial Area # 9, Al-Shuhadaa Street KUWAIT CITY