Membership Subscription Form Membership Subscription Form In order to speed up the application of your membership to the Chamber and to ensure that our services are tailored to your specific requirements, please complete the Membership form below. We will contact you as soon as possible. Your Information Title Mr. Ms. Dr. Language English Dutch French Second Contact Person (optional) Title Mr. Mrs. Dr. Your Company Primary Business Sector Agriculture, Fishery & Meat Architecture, Construction & Civil Engineering Artificial Intelligence (AI) Aviation, Airlines & Airports Chambers & Business Associations Chemicals & Petrochemicals Consultancy & Related Services Energy Engineering Event Finance, Banking & Insurance Food & Beverage Government Agencies & Public Partners Healthcare & Pharmaceuticals Hospitality, Tourism & Leisure Industrial Manufacturing & Materials Information & Communications Technology Legal Logistics & Transportation Machinery & Equipment Metal Oil & Gas Raw Materials & Extractive Industries Security & Safety Wholesale & Distribution Membership Select your membership type Person or company employing max. 10 persons | € 500 VAT Excl. (€ 605 VAT incl.) Person or company employing from 11 to 50 persons | € 800 VAT Excl. (€ 968 VAT Incl.) Person or company employing from 51 to 99 persons | € 1.000 VAT Excl. (€ 1.210 VAT Incl.) Person or company employing 100 persons and more | € 1.400 VAT Excl. (€ 1.694 VAT Incl.) Invoices must be sent by * Email Post The subscription is valid for one year from date of subscription A copy of the paid invoice will be sent to you upon receipt of your payment. Payable to account number IBAN BE88 3100 2907 6141 / BIC BBRUBEBB Does your Company currently have international trade connections in Arab countries? Yes No Countries of interest Algeria Bahrain Comoros Djibouti Egypt Iraq Jordan Kuwait Lebanon Libya Mauritania Morocco Oman Palestine Qatar Saudi Arabia Somalia Sudan Syria Tunisia UAE Yemen All Countries Subscription By submitting this form, I request membership subscription to the Arab Belgian Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce. I also confirm that the above statements given on this form, and in any supporting papers that I supply, are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. Submit Last Name